Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"He Can Handle It!!"

My Jesus is the savior of the world..in case you haven't noticed, but most of all, He is my friend! I have had a really rough last 3 days..My dog is sick, and I have been just fighting with myself!! Do you ever just resign to "give it to God" and than as soon as you do..You "take it back" Man God must be get very confused at me!! "Here ya go..take it"

Nope "Give it back, I want to be miserable some more..Not quite feeling bad enough!!" "Okay here ya go, I am truly ready for you have it now" "No, just one more time God..my eyes aren't puffy enough..I want to see how depressed I can get!! Jesus said " My Yoke is easy and My burden is light..What does that mean??

Yoke up with me..Get in the yoke with Jesus!! He is the big oxen. He will carry most of the load..He is bigger and stronger and knows where to go and how to get there..We are the little cows..unlearned and lost..most of the time!!!He has big broad shoulders..we are barely able to carry ourselves..Most of my life I never understood this concept..He is our big brother and will carry the load..if we really give it to Him!!

Jesus can give you peace and it isn't hard for Him..He wants to..really. I have learned in the last few days..Even if this is the worst..It isn't the worst!! I may feel like God is silent..But it doesn't matter..Even if He is..I do not have to be..Cry to Him.. He can handle it..Pray to him..He hears you!! Weep at Him..He is holding you even if you can't feel it!! God is my friend and my Father. He can handle anything I can't.
Dee Hall


Desertrosebhc said...

Thanks, Dee! I needed this! I am trying not to take back the worry of finding a job. I know that God is in charge and He will make a way when there seems to be no way. It is just hard sometimes to leave it in His hands.