Do you ever pray? "Gods will be done" And just exactly what do we mean when we ask that? Are we really ready to forge through the flood that God might put us through? Or do we flippantly say this and then complain when God puts us through a testing of our faith..I, for one, am pro at this. Asking for God's will and then crying like a baby when it isn't mine!!
Ya know..God didn't say, contrast to popular beliefs, that being a follower of Christ was going to be hunky dory all the time. In fact ..there are many believers out there confused as to why they aren't livin' the good life. God's will is so much different then our 3rd dimensional pee brains can even fathom. Boy when God said..My ways are not your ways and neither can they be..He was right. I keep forgetting that scripture.
Hmmm again what are we asking when we pray for Gods will? I asked one day, not too long ago,"God use me to further your Kingdom" Things began to happen that only God could put together. I thought, wow God is really going to use us this time in a mighty way. To make a long story short we ended up in the smallest town I have ever seen and here I sit wondering, What did I pray for?? Oh yeah..after much complaining, about the heat, the town, the mission here, the people, the loneliness, oh and let's not forget my,my,my wants...Oh yeah..I prayed for "God's will" Wow..God's will..not mine.
Ask me a few days ago why I was here in the smallest town on Route 66 in Arizona and I would have told you..I don't have the foggiest idea..I am human and Thank God he remembers even when I don't. He remembers when I longingly prayed for His will and I meant it..I really did!! The grace God gives us is like a splash of cool water on our faces that can gently wake us up or a cold bucket, like I needed, to rip us out of a dead sleep and get us going again. It is not about me!!
Isn't it nice when "your will" and "God's will" are the same..and life is grand..Just remember, that is not always the case, and in fact..more times than not, it won't be...Because He is the potter and you are the clay and sometimes I think I hear God saying to me, just like my dad did.."because I said so..that's why" May God bless you and continue to mold and shape us into Jesus
Dee Hall