I am amazed at how fast this year has gone!! I remember thinking..We can't go to Arizona,we'll die of the heat. God took us there anyway, and I am still here and nothing has melted yet.I remember thinking, I will never see my family again, low and behold my sis has been to see me twice and my mom once..boy was I wrong...I remember leaving Montana and knowing God had a better plan for us. I was right!! I have learned so much in this "desert" of Arizona..I guess God does some of his best work on His people in the "desert". The people in our church here have taught me many things..they have no idea. I have learned how to be quiet, how to watch people disagree(from a distance) I might say, and to keep my opinion to myself..Just nuggets of gold I could have only learned here and still have people love me!! I remember thanking God for bringing us here and then asking why are we here??? then understanding why we are here ..all in 7 months.I remember watching my shadow die..my most loved dog Hoover..That is a memory I choose to forget!! I remember asking God just recently, What do you have in store for next year? He knows exactly where we will be, working for Him in his Kingdom. He directs our steps each day. I remember God is my all and in Him we find our life and our memories. He creates and manifests the road we walk each day. Be it happy or sad..It "is" and He holds our hands through it all and if by some means we can't walk that road..He carries us in His arms until we are strong enough to walk again. I remember God each day..Do you??
Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
"Joy of the Season"
I am learning to understand that I only know one thing for sure... Jesus and Him crucified...Doctrine, opinions and tradition have no place in the church today...We all know how Jesus felt about traditions of men....WOE was the word He used most!!!
Posted by Dee Hall at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"The Little Campfire that Could"
Time flies when you are having fun...I feel like I have been on this earth for 10 years in the past month!! Fun??I think not...God is a desert sort of deity..Placing you there for refining, and a fire kind of Father that can warm your insides or burn the beauty out of you.
My dog had to be put to sleep. That in itself, was unbelievably hard watching him die and taking care of him. I kept waking up and thinking it was a dream. Oh I know it was just an animal, but people who love them, they understand.
You know how you think you "know" something, and then God turns your belief upside down? I am learning our Almighty Father is a wisdom giver. All you have to do is really ask..like James says and then WATCH OUT!!! If you open up and really listen, He will teach you things you never thought you could understand.
Our God is a compassionate God and one who loves us. He helps us grow and I am just learning the blessing of a little campfire on my bottom..to get the point across!!
Posted by Dee Hall at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
"Change the Pain"
So many people are in "pain" today. Emotional and physical.I look at people's faces and I so want to reach out and tell them, Jesus has gone through everything you are going through..right now!! I want to hug them and tell them everything can be peaceful if you ask God to help and give your life to him to figure out!!
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 2:57 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
"He Can Handle It!!"
My Jesus is the savior of the world..in case you haven't noticed, but most of all, He is my friend! I have had a really rough last 3 days..My dog is sick, and I have been just fighting with myself!! Do you ever just resign to "give it to God" and than as soon as you do..You "take it back" Man God must be get very confused at me!! "Here ya go..take it"
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 2:47 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
"because I said so"
Do you ever pray? "Gods will be done" And just exactly what do we mean when we ask that? Are we really ready to forge through the flood that God might put us through? Or do we flippantly say this and then complain when God puts us through a testing of our faith..I, for one, am pro at this. Asking for God's will and then crying like a baby when it isn't mine!!
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
"Get Back on My Road"
It has taken me a long time to get the fact, everyone is not walking down the path of our Lord at just the same place. For many years I believed it was my job to convince each person to get right next to me on that road. I realized, with much disappointment each time, that no matter how hard I worked, they remained exactly where God wanted them.."GO FIGURE"
As much as I wanted to walk in every way with each of them, God finally taught me..It is okay to be different..to be at different places..with different opinions and even different beliefs!! That is taboo in some churches...And then it dawned on me...God is the judge..He really is!!! Oh I know what some of you are secretly thinking.."She will come around" Come around to my belief..our belief..in our church..
Unity is not conformity...There is a difference..Jesus wants us to have unity "in HIM", but don't you think He knew we would all have our opinions on many different things? He made us...
I have seen so many people hurt from judgementalism and self righteousness..It makes me literally sick to my stomach..Splits in churches over the smallest of things and hate between brother and sisters in Christ!!
I think God is crying over His church...He never imagined His children acting like..well children..
or did He??
Our God is a most wonderful entity!! He knew what would happen in the future!! He is so long suffering...He allows us to be different..in so many places..Romans 14..shows us this.
I ask you now to evaluate yourself as I did, and ask God to give you a Spirit of grace upon people who are not where you are on that road...Ask Him to keep your heart soft.
He is able to make us stand...through Jesus...and if our heart is open and not closed..He is able to teach us all things through the Spirit..which dwells in us...
Please be a student of Gods Words and find out what he wants from you.
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
"Go the Extra Mile.....Even if it Hurts"
I had something put on my plate today that was a test for me. How was I going to handle this difference in opinion? I could get mad and prove my point and yet, Jesus said, "Don't" He says to love everyone and when opposition comes..no matter what it is.."Don't fight!!" "Pray"..So I did. Jesus said if someone slaps your cheek turn and let them slap the other!! What??? No way ..that can't be right. Let someone walk on me??
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 1:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
"What Do You Choose?"
Tonight we drove out to a remote part of town and parked our car in the pitch blackness. The whole family, looking up into the vast array of God's magnificent cosmos remarked, "How could anyone not believe in a Creator,the almighty God?" Millions of stars dotted the black sky and the Milky Way was close enough to touch. The reason we ventured out to explore the sky is, tonight and tomorrow night's sky's are prime for meteor showers.
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 12:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
How do we get so darn caught up in the "me" zone...You know..Woe is "me"I keep forgetting how God feels about complainers!!! Let me clear the fog.. Remember the desert people?? Those guys that walked around in a 90 mile radius for 40 years??
Dee Hall
Posted by Dee Hall at 12:50 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"A Long and Meaningful Second"
Today I was reminded that our time here on Earth is so limited. The Bible says our life is but a mist..It is here today and gone tomorrow... That word mist is "Psssst" Pretty quick.. For some it seems like ages..and for some, like me, it went so fast. My years are but a fuzzy blur..I prayed last year "God please slow down time for me" He did..It seems to be to be slowing down and I am grateful. Maybe that is just old age!
Posted by Dee Hall at 4:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Touch the Untouchable!!
As we sat watching the kids ride the rides at Wet 'n' Wild water park, I was day dreaming about my childhood, and was thinking intently about how fast my life has gone. I remember vividly saying to myself.."Wow the year 2000 will never come, it is so far away!!" Now I am ready, in a few years, to send my last off to college.Where has your life gone? Have you accomplished what you set out to do?
Posted by Dee Hall at 2:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
"What Must I Do?"
I find myself asking "What must I do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?" Oh I have kept all the "rules" from childhood..I can hear the "rich young ruler"say. I have done all the right things...and yet something tells me Jesus is saying, "fill in the blank"For the rich young ruler, it was sell everything you have and give it to the poor.
Posted by Dee Hall at 11:00 AM 2 comments